Zenit Dental
Discover More About Dental Health!
Dental health is an integral part of our general health. When neglected, it can lead to different conditions that may threaten your aesthetics and general health. We regularly bring you blog posts written by Zenit Dental’s experienced and expert physicians. We determine these topics according to the questions our patients ask most…
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What Are the Most Common Dental Diseases?
There are millions of bacterial cells in our lips; some are healthy, while others can be quite destructive. Bacteria are simply one of the many
Why Should You Have Aesthetic Dental Treatment?
Aesthetic dental treatment provides many changes in your appearance and life. How much do you know about this operation applied to the teeth? What are
What Is Hollywood Smile? How Is It Done?
The Hollywood smile, which takes into account the patient’s lip, nose, chin, mouth, face, teeth, and gum structure, is the most ideal smile design. The
What is Functional Dentistry?
Functional dentistry, which is a proactive practice, does not only treat dental diseases. It is also the most effective way to avoid crises caused by
What Is Dental Veneer? Why Is It Used
Dental veneer therapy is an attractive aesthetic procedure. For those who desire a brand-new grin. To correct issues like crooked teeth, you don’t need to
What Causes Bleeding Gums?
Bleeding gums is one of the oral problems that most people experience. But, this situation may occur due to various health problems. Bleeding in
What is Orthodontics? What treatments does it cover?
Healthy teeth and mouth structure are important at any age. Early treatment of all kinds of problems related to the proper alignment of the teeth
What Are Types of Dental Fillings?
It is common practice in dental care to fill cavities, which are areas of tooth decay. The damaged area of the tooth is first cleaned
Teeth Straightening Treatment Process
Teeth straightening is the act of aligning and moving teeth into the right position in line with a person’s bite using external force and pressure
What Are All-on-4 Dental Implants?
What are all-on-4 dental implants? In recent years, oral and dental health has been one of the elements influencing an individual’s quality of life, and
How to Keep a Toothbrush?
It is also very important to store the toothbrush in a clean environment, just like cleaning teeth. In general, every member of the house has
How is Teeth Whitening Done for Braces Users?
Today, the use of a dental brace is increasing day by day. For this reason, individuals are looking for more information about the procedures performed