How To Get Rid Of Cold Sores İnside Mouth
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How To Get Rid Of Cold Sores İnside Mouth

How To Get Rid Of Cold Sores İnside Mouth

There can be various reasons for canker sores, which are commonly known as “aft” or “mouth ulcer,” so it might be challenging to cover all the causes in just one article. However, I can share some important information regarding this common type of headache. Canker sores are small ulcers that typically occur on the inside of the mouth, on the tongue, lips, palate, or other soft tissues. These sores can often be painful and may negatively impact daily life. Here is more information about the causes, symptoms, and treatment methods of canker sores:

What is Canker Sores?

Canker sores are small, round, or oval-shaped ulcers that occur on the mucous membrane inside the mouth. These sores typically appear white or yellowish and are surrounded by a red border. They are often associated with various factors such as stress, dietary habits, or immune system issues. Canker sores can cause discomfort that may negatively affect a person’s daily life, especially being painful while eating or speaking. Therefore, canker sores can be an annoying condition for many people. If left untreated, they usually heal on their own within a few days, but sometimes treatments like mouth gels or gargles can be used to reduce pain.

How To Get Rid Of Cold Sores İnside Mouth

Causes of Canker Sores

  • Stress and Anxiety: Stress can trigger imbalances in the body’s immune system, which can increase the formation of canker sores. Canker sores may arise as a result of weakened immunity caused by stress. When under stress, the body expends more effort to maintain its defense mechanisms, which can prolong the healing process of canker sores. Therefore, it’s important to utilize stress management techniques to reduce the effects of stress and prevent the formation of canker sores.
  • Dietary Habits: Dietary habits can have a profound impact on overall health and, in some cases, oral health as well. Particularly, the consumption of highly acidic or spicy foods can contribute to the formation of canker sores. Acidic or spicy foods can irritate the mucous membrane in the mouth, paving the way for canker sores to develop. Additionally, it is believed that certain foods, especially those with acidic or allergenic properties such as chocolate, nuts, and tomatoes, may trigger canker sores.
  • Mucosal Injuries: Mucosal injuries are a common condition resulting from trauma to the mucous membrane inside the mouth and can trigger the formation of canker sores. The mucous membrane covers the soft tissue inside the mouth and is sensitive in nature. Mucosal injuries can occur when brushing teeth, eating hard or sharp-edged foods, or accidentally ingesting hard objects into the mouth.
  • Hormonal Changes: Hormonal changes refer to fluctuations in hormone levels in the body, which are often pronounced in women during the menstrual cycle. These hormonal fluctuations can affect the mucous tissue inside the mouth and increase the formation of canker sores.
  • Genetic Predisposition: Genetic predisposition can be a significant factor in the formation of canker sores. If there is a history of canker sores in your family, it’s likely that your predisposition to this condition may increase. Canker sores have been associated with some genetic predisposition factors that are passed down through families, which can lead to a higher prevalence of this condition in certain families.
  • Immune System Issues: The immune system is a critical system that helps the body fight infections and protects against external factors. Therefore, in individuals with a weakened immune system, the formation of canker sores may be more common. Immune system weakness can stem from various reasons, including genetic factors, illnesses, medications, nutritional deficiencies, and stress.

Symptoms of Canker Sores

  • Canker sores are small, round, or oval-shaped ulcers that typically occur on the mucous membrane inside the mouth. These sores may appear white or yellowish and can be surrounded by a red border. Canker sores commonly appear on the soft tissues inside the mouth, including the tongue, inside of the lips, inner cheeks, or palate.
  • Canker sores typically come with a sensation of pain or discomfort inside the mouth. Especially when performing mouth movements such as eating or speaking, this sensation of pain and discomfort can intensify. Additionally, canker sores can cause increased pain when they come into contact with hot or spicy foods.
  • In some cases, symptoms associated with canker sores such as fever or swelling of lymph nodes may also occur. These symptoms are usually mild and transient unless canker sores are a sign of a serious infection.
  • Most of the time, canker sores are a self-healing condition and will resolve on their own within a few days. However, if the severity of pain or frequency of canker sores is significant, or if they persist for an extended period, it’s important to consult a healthcare professional.

How To Get Rid Of Cold Sores İnside Mouth

Treatment and Prevention of Canker Sores

  • Oral Hygiene: Brush your teeth regularly and use dental floss. Paying attention to oral hygiene can help prevent the formation of canker sores.
  • Dietary Habits: Avoid excessive acidic or spicy foods. Additionally, steer clear of specific foods that you notice trigger canker sores.
  • Stress Management: Try methods such as yoga, meditation, or deep breathing exercises to reduce stress.
  • Mouth Rinses and Creams: You can alleviate pain and expedite the healing process by using special mouth rinses or creams designed for canker sores.
  • Seek Medical Advice: If your canker sores recur frequently or cause severe pain, it’s important to consult a doctor to determine the underlying causes and receive appropriate treatment.


While canker sores are generally harmless, they can sometimes cause significant pain. By reviewing your dietary habits, utilizing stress management techniques, and trying appropriate treatment methods, you can reduce the occurrence of canker sores and maintain oral health. However, if canker sores recur frequently or do not heal, it’s important to consult a healthcare professional.




Periodontist Miraç Elbir

How To Get Rid Of Cold Sores İnside Mouth How To Get Rid Of Cold Sores İnside Mouth How To Get Rid Of Cold Sores İnside Mouth How To Get Rid Of Cold Sores İnside Mouth How To Get Rid Of Cold Sores İnside Mouth How To Get Rid Of Cold Sores İnside Mouth How To Get Rid Of Cold Sores İnside Mouth How To Get Rid Of Cold Sores İnside Mouth How To Get Rid Of Cold Sores İnside Mouth How To Get Rid Of Cold Sores İnside Mouth How To Get Rid Of Cold Sores İnside Mouth How To Get Rid Of Cold Sores İnside Mouth


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